Wednesday 13 April 2011

OVF responds: "We are merely delinquent!" OVF 回應:「我們僅僅只是拖欠!」

Last week a letter was submitted to us by way of one of our readers from Jeff Buderer of oneVillage Foundation, wishing to respond to the statements made on this website that the OVF is not legally registered in California.
上個禮拜我們收到一封信,它是從 One Village Foundation  Jeff Buderer 寄出的。這封信想要回應我們網站之前陳述過的一件事:OVF並沒有在美國加州合法註冊。     

We have decided to publish this official document issued by the District Attorney's office in California on this website in accordance with OVF's wishes, as we welcome any clarifying information regarding the OVF's failure to meet the standards adhered to by any serious NGO engaging in charity.
我們已經決定在網站上公佈,這份由加州檢察官辦公室發出的公文。同時,也歡迎提供任何有助於澄清OVF沒有達到「慈善募款性質非政府組織(NGO, Non-Government-Organization)應有標準的資訊

The letter dated March 16th, 2011 advises the OVF that its license to operate as a charitable trust will be suspended or revoked on April 16th, 2011 based on several violations, including (1) the failure to file the registration renewal fee (years 2004, 2006-2009), and (2) the failure to file IRS form reports as required by a charitable trust (years 2004, 2006-2009).
這封日期為2011年3月16日的信,提醒OVF合法授權來執行公益信託的 執照,即將在2011年4月16日被暫停或撤銷。這基於好幾項違規,包括(1) 2004年、2006年到2009年,沒有繳交續期費用;(2) 沒有繳交公益信託所必備的IRS form report(IRS 是Internal Revenue Service, 見 )。    

1. For five years, the OVF has failed to submit the reporting form that is required by every public benefit organization in order to renew their registration with the Attorney General's Registry of Charitable Trusts;
OVF有五年之久沒交報告,而這份報告是所有公益團體向檢察官辦公室延長合 法註冊所必需的。   

2. The right to the status of charitable trust is based on OVF being able to show that its operations qualify to such a status according to one of the following three forms;

As the letter further specifies;
"The above violations are not exhaustive and are limited to the information currently available to our office."
Appeals can be made before April 16th, 2011.

"以下 違規部份並非基於全面而徹底的資訊,而受限於本辦公室目前所得之資訊"  

Failing to fulfill one's legal obligations with the DA's registry for charitable trusts for at least five of its years of operation does not indicate that the OVF takes its charitable commitment nor US regulations very seriously. Whether the OVF will in fact appeal the revocation of its license and what grounds there are to justify these delinquencies in an appeal remain to be seen.
5年沒有盡到慈善信託機構對檢察官辦公室的法定義務,OVF不像很重視美國 法規。OVF是否會申訴,以及申訴的理由,仍待觀察。    

See below to read the letter in its entirety: 

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