The National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan 位於臺灣新竹的國立清華大學 |
我們注意到了臺灣行政院青輔會在新竹清華大學的一個志工計畫,是由唐瑋女士 和她的OVF機構執行的。 OVF這個組織是一個沒有合法實體的國際性網路, 無論在臺灣或美國都沒有,雖然OVF宣稱自己是個美國機構。因此,它的運作並不合法。此外,很多OVF在非洲執行的計畫,實際上並不存在。
Because the OVF is raising funds illegally, it has been reported to the IRS in the U.S. which are conducting an investigation. Furthermore, the OVF has strong links to the mafia and the Hell's Angels in the U.S. and because of extensive involvement with criminal organisations, the OVF and Joy Tang's associates in the U.S. are being investigated by the FBI. We are most concerned that Ms. Joy Tang is able to operate this international fraud out of Taiwan under an international cover, and that she is involving solid, reputable state institutions such as the Tsing Hua university in maintaining the illusion that the OVF is engaged in serious charity work.
由於OVF在非法募款,美國的國稅局(IRS,Internal Revenue Service)已經被報告此事而正展開調查。此外,OVF機構對於黑手黨及美國的飛車黨(Hell's Angels)的連結很強。廣泛涉入了犯罪組織,導致了OVF、唐瑋以及唐瑋的伙伴,正被聯邦調查局(FBI,Federal Bureau of Investigation)調查中。我們最在意的一件事,乃是唐瑋女士可以利用臺灣知名的國家機構,新竹清華大學,而透過臺灣呈現出一種國際化、嚴謹而正派的慈善工作機構的樣貌。
We assume that the public institutions in Taiwan are unaware of this fact, or they would not engage in any partnership with an organisation that is operating illegally and engaged with other criminal organisations. Regarding the Tsing Hua university and their volunteer program run by Ms. Tang involving OVF's center in Ghana, we wonder what they had investigated and what they knew about the OVF and the activities of Mr. Kafui Prebbie (OVF representative in Ghana who runs his own business and is very much involved in fraudulent activities) beforehand.
我們依然假定臺灣的政府機構並不知道前述事實,否則他們不會和非法運作的組 織(這組織甚至還和犯罪組織有牽連)進行合作。看看新竹清大和他們由唐 瑋女士執行,在非洲迦納OVF機構的中心運作的志工計畫, 我們很好奇,新竹清大在計畫付諸實現之前,到底調查過了些甚麼?又對OVF機構和Mr. Kafui Prebbie瞭解多少(Mr. Kafui Prebbie是OVF在迦納的業務代表,但同時也經營自己的事業,他深深的涉入詐騙活動之中)
The NTHU student program to Ghana, partnering OVF |
Specifically, we have the following questions that we feel need to be answered by the university:
- Why was there no formal representative of NTHU accompanying Ms. Tang and the students to Ghana? 為何清華大學沒有正式的代表,隨著唐女士和學生赴迦納?
- Is there any formal agreement between OVF and the NTHU? OVF與清華大學之間,有任何正式協議嗎?
- The money that is raised by the students for the volunteer services, how is it handled? Do the students handle their own expenses or do they pass the funds on to Ms. Tang or Mr. Kafui Prebbie in Ghana? 因著志工服務所募得款項是如何處理?是學生自行運用呢?還是交給唐 女士或是迦納的Kafui Prebbie先生?
- What kind of quality control does the NTHU apply with regard to their volunteer programs? 清華大學如何進行志工計劃的品質管制?
- What information has the NTHU been given regarding OVF's operations in Ghana? Has any formal representative of NTHU ever visited the work in Ghana himself/herself? 有關OVF在迦納的運作,清華大學被告知了些什麼相關資訊?是否有 正式的代表親自去參訪過迦納那邊的工作?
- How big is the Ghana program compared to the other volunteer programs at NTHU (Tanzania, Indonesia), and what is the size of the cost budget for Ghana per student compared with that of the other programs? 與清華大學其它的志工計畫〈如坦尚尼亞、印尼〉比較起來,迦納志工 計畫的大小如何? 以平均每位學生所花預算來看,迦納計畫相較於其他志工計劃,又是如何?
- How much financial support for the Ghana program is provided by the NTHU itself or channeled through the university and how is this money then accounted for? 對於迦納計劃,有多少財務支援是清華大學本身提供或是透過清華大學 的管道而取得?這筆錢之後是如何報帳?
I found that NTHU sponsored NTD20,000 for each students to Ghana in 2008. The total amount sponsored by the university was NTD200,000. See the news dated 18 Apr., 2008 in this link. (in the 3rd paragraph)
ReplyDelete1. 為何清華大學沒有正式的代表,隨著唐女士和學生赴迦納?
ReplyDelete2. OVF與清華大學之間,有任何正式協議嗎?
3. 學生為了志工服務所募得的款項是如何處理?是學生自行處理他們的經費呢?還是學生將基金交由唐女士或是迦納的Kafui Prebbie先生處理?
4. 清華大學是用哪一種方式來進行志工計劃的品質管制?
5. 有關OVF在迦納的運作,清華大學得到的是什麼資訊?是否有正式的代表親自去參訪過迦納那邊的工作?
6. 與清華大學其它的志工計畫〈如坦尚尼亞、印尼〉比較起來,迦納志工計畫有多大?每一位迦納志工學生的基本預算,相較於其他義工計劃有多大?
7. 對於迦納計劃,有多少財務支援是清華大學本身提供或是透過清華大學的管道而取得?這筆錢之後是如何運用?